Tis the Season!!

Hello! We’re reaching out to the community for support this holiday season. We have an average of 29 kids attending our after-school program that live in the Ironton Metropolitan housing and surrounding areas. We like to give Christmas gifts to this population but unfortunately our grant funding that we typically use is unavailable this year. So we started an online angel tree list for donations. Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated!!

  • Follow this link or scan the QR code to access the tree and reserve a tag.
  • You’ll be asked to provide some information about yourself and the amount of gifts you’d like to donate. Then you will receive an email with additional instructions about your reservation. 
  • Monday, December 18th, 2023 will be our last day for receiving donations. 
  • Please send gifts unwrapped with the child’s number or codename attached to the locations below:
    • Drop Off: Riverhills Community Center, 628 South 9th Street, Ironton, OH 45638
    • Ship to:  P.O. Box 809, South Point, OH 45680.
  • If you prefer to donate funds to our cause, click here and put YEA Holiday for the program description.