The Ohio Healthy Youth Environment Survey

Ohio Healthy Youth Environments Survey (OHYES!) is a youth survey designed to measure the health risk behaviors and environmental factors that impact youth health and safety. The survey gathers information on issues like alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, unintentional and intentional injuries, physical health, activity and well-being, and related environmental risk and protective factors.

OHYES! is an important source of needs-assessment data for school districts, community-based organizations, local health and human service agencies, and state agencies. The survey results will allow tracking of progress toward local, state and federal education and health-related goals. Trends in patterns of behavior over time may be identified using the information from the OHYES!. State-level results may also be used to compare national and other state-level results.

State agencies, local health and behavioral health organizations, prevention providers, community coalitions, community safety networks, and others use this information to guide policies and programs that serve youth.

To date all Lawrence County School Districts have been participating. Impact Youth-Led teams use this data to find local problem areas of focus for their respective school and community. Schools will be eligible for presentations of prevention education and prevention strategies by “signing” on with OHYES!

In addition, listening sessions were conducted regarding underage drinking. Sessions were held for adults and youth in late November to gain qualitative data/spoken feedback to compliment the OHYES! surveys. A lack of family communications was identified. 

Oh Yes Logo

website link:

For more information contact:

Lawrence County:

Meagan Joseph, OCPS,

Scioto County:

Eddie Neel, OCPSA,

talk - They Hear you
Click the image for more information



For more information regarding this initiative contact:

Mollie Stevens, Director Impact Prevention

IP website CCIM4C Initiative

Community Collective Impact Model for Change (CCIM4C) Together, we can change the course of the Opioid Epidemic

Lawrence County is one of 12 counties in Ohio selected to participate.

The Community Collective Impact Model for Change (CCIM4C) Initiative is a highly innovative approach aimed at preventing opioid use and abuse and reducing opioid-related deaths in the state of Ohio. By combining a data-driven, strategic planning process the Strategic Prevention Framework and Partnerships for Success (SPF-PFS) with an emphasis on working collectively across the continuum of care the Collective Impact Model the twelve funded communities are working to address the opioid epidemic in their communities by utilizing a trauma-informed approach that reduces trauma and promotes resiliency.

Through grant funding under the federal 21st Century CURES Act, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) awarded funding to twelve Ohio communities to participate in the CCIM4C Initiative. OhioMHAS also partnered with the Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, and Prevention Institute to develop training and technical assistance and provide evaluation services to these twelve communities. Together, we are striving to work collectively across the continuum of care to address opioid use and abuse and reduce opioid-related deaths by employing a strategic planning process that focuses on community trauma and seeks to promote resiliency within communities.

The Collective Impact (CI) approach recognizes that complex social and environmental issues, like the opioid crisis, cannot be solved by one sector alone. Instead, CI promotes multi-sector collaboration characterized by a common agenda, common progress measures, continuous communication, and mutually reinforcing activities. This collaborative work is facilitated and supported by a backbone organization in the community.